We would like to whole-heartedly thank all of the experts for the extensive scholarly input and assistance with which they provided us.
We owe a special thanks to Anna Adam and Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Adam, who provide our projects year after year with financial support.
HLFS Ursprung
Federal Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Science
Ursprungstraße 4
5161 Elixhausen
Tel.:+ 43 (0) 662 480301-0
Fax:+ 43 (0) 662 480301-15
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Konrad Steiner,
This project was sponsored by:
Gemeinde Elixhausen
Anna Adam Univ.Prof. Dr. Hans Adam
Siemens, spin the globe , user favorite prize
jugend innovativ , 2. prize in category science
Bildungsförderungsfonds für Gesundheit und Nachhaltige Entwicklung