Hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxygenating agent that can be used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. It is inclined to break up in water and oxygen. When that happens, a single oxygen atom is split off and it turns into a free radical. A free radical is highly reactive and cytotoxic to many cells. Hydrogen peroxide can therefore be used to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. Hydrogen peroxide can even be found in the human body in small amounts, for example in peroxisomes (= organelles that are used as detoxification mechanisms for organisms living in an oxygen-rich environment – they are in the liver, the kidneys and in red blood cells).
Hydrogen peroxide is also found as part of the decomposition of purines (sections of genetic material, DNA) as well as the oxidation of fatty acids and carbohydrates. A concentration of hydrogen peroxide that is too high results in a – often unwanted – graying of hair. This is due to an effect that can also be used when bleaching and coloring hair. High concentrations of hydrogen peroxide could also be responsible for neurological disorders and is sometime even the cause for diabetes. In general, hydrogen peroxide leads to cellular aging in high life forms and to cellular death in protozoa. Most organisms protect themselves against the material with enzymes that split hydrogen peroxide into the harmless materials water (H2O) and dioxygen (O2). Catalase is one of the enzymes with which many life forms can break down hydrogen peroxide. Catalase protects against the above-mentioned illnesses and is therefore the anti-aging-enzyme of choice. This was shown by research in extending the lives of mouse heart cells if they produced heightened levels of catalase.
The reaction in which hydrogen peroxide is broken down into oxygen and water has two steps. In the first step, H2O2 is reduced and the enzyme is oxidized. Water is produced.
H2O2 + catalase (red.) = H2O + catalase (ox.,+O)
In the second step, both hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme are reduced. Oxygen is oxidized and is released along with a water molecule.
H2O2 + catalase (ox.,+O) = H2O + O2 + catalase (red.)
The reaction equation is as follows:
2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2
Catalase is – in combination with the enzyme glucose oxidase – often implemented in the food industry as conservation ‘system’, for example for the conservation of baked goods, beverages, mayonnaise, egg white and dairy products. Catalase is used in the cosmetics industry as an anti-aging-enzyme. The enzyme changes peroxide and free radicals into oxygen and water in the skin. Due to the reduction in free radicals, the aging process is slowed and the skin looks smoother and younger. y
Catalase is obtained through fermentation with the help of diverse fungi and bacteria. At least two catalase biologics are produced in Europe with the help of genetically altered fungal cultures (Aspergillum), one of which is also used in the food industr
adapted from: enzyme/89.katalase.html